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Red Sea Anemonefish
The Red Sea Anemonefish (or Red Sea Clownfish) is, as the name suggests, a fish native to the Red Sea. It has a background color of yellow-orange with two black-edged white bands. The males grow to about 4 in., the females to 5 1/2 in. The Red Sea Anemonefish will get along with most fish […]
Captive-bred vs.Wild Caught Pets
The pet industry consists of the sale of captive-bred animals as well as wild-caught ones. Many pets are bred by breeders but birds, fish and reptiles are often captured from the wild. There are a number of reasons to prefer captive-bred pets to wild-caught: In some cases, collection of animals from the wild is detrimental […]
Book Review: The Dog Who Healed a Family
The Dog Who Healed a Family (and other short stories) compiled by Jo Coudert This book is a collection of 19 stories of animals who brought hope and love to humans. Animals enrich our lives in so many ways, teaching us loyalty, compassion, trust, triumphs in life as well as death. An animal lover’s treasure […]