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Pit Bull Prejudice
Pit Bull Prejudice Author: Scotlund Haisley, President and Founder of Animal Rescue Corps A healthy relationship with animals demands that we are informed with reliable information so we can make valid decisions that are beneficial to both humans and other animals. Highly charged, hot-button topics abound, especially those that affect animal governing laws. Breed-specific legislation […]
Nutritious Flaxseed for Horses
Flaxseed is a grain normally grown in northern, cool climates. It is also referred to as flax or linseed. Canada is the leading producer of flax. Flaxseed is one of the few plants containing Omega 3. The fatty acids in omega 3 benefit horses in several ways, improving skin, hair and body condition and reduce […]
Aspergillosis in Pet Birds
Aspergillosis, or as it is more commonly referred to “asper”, is a respiratory disease. It is caused by the fungus, aspergillus. Asper is found everywhere in the environment, particularly in garbage, rotting leaves, compost and other decayed material. Diagnosis of infection is made through samples taken from the bird’s choanal slit and feces. The choanal […]