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Horse Meat Controversy in Canada
The Canadian TV show, “Top Chef Canada”, has aired an episode called “The French Feast” requiring chefs to create dishes using horse meat. We understand that in some cultures, eating horse meat is a delicacy. It can be found in many European restaurants and is sold in supermarkets in Quebec. Since the controversy over the […]
Shelter Dogs Learn to Drive
You’ve seen this in cartoons, but now it’s for real – dogs learning to drive cars. The Auckland, New Zealand SPCA CEO, Christine Kalin and noted animal trainer Mark Vette are teaching dogs to drive cars. Ms. Kalin came up with the idea in order to prove to people how smart shelter dogs are. She […]
The Netherlands, or Holland, has a maritime climate which is cool in the summer and mild in the winter. This makes the country ideal for dairy farming and raising livestock. Some animals native to the Netherlands are the beech marten, the long-finned pilot whale, the Netherland dwarf rabbit, as well as wild boar, elk and […]