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Do Dogs Have Phobias
A phobia is an irrational, exaggerated fear of something. An instinct is a natural or inborn impulse or tendency. And yes, dogs do have phobias. Fearful behavior can be the result of a phobia. Dogs can be phobic about thunderstorms, any loud noises, cars, bathtime, the veterinarian. Phobias usually develop when a dog has had […]
FDA Approval of Drug for Female Dog Incontinence
Urinary incontinence is an involuntary leakage of urine occurring in spayed female dogs. It can occur months or years after the dog has been spayed. Most of the time the leakage occurs due to low hormone (estrogen) levels. While dogs can urinate normally, they cannot control leakage due to loss of estrogen and muscle tone. […]
Vaccine May Reduce Feral Cat Population
A five year study of a vaccine funded by the Morris Animal Foundation was performed at the University of Florida. The vaccine, GonaCon looks promising to help control feral cat populations. GonaCon seems to be an effective, long-acting contraceptive that is non-lethal and non-invasive. It was developed at the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection […]