Adopting a cat is lots of fun but also comes with plenty of responsibility. Cats need a proper environment, diet, exercise, company – whether human or feline, and good health.
If you are new to cat ownership you will find some good solid advice here on the basics of cat care. If you have been raising a cat for a while now, but your cat has gotten old, ill or crotchety, there are some useful tips here.
Cat Care articles:
- Are Cats Happy Living Indoors?
- Care of Kitty’s Coat
- Caring for Your Pet’s Paws
- Caring for a Blind Cat
- Caring for an Older Cat
- Cats and Brain Freeze
- Choosing the Right Cat Food
- Controlling Pet Shedding
- Declawing your Cat
- Do Cats Always Land On Their Feet?
- Do Cats Need Baths
- Easy Safe Tick Removal for Pets and Humans
- Feline High-Rise Syndrome
- Furless Fur Pets
- General Cat Care
- Getting a Second Opinion
- Grooming Your Cat
- Happy Cat Month
- Home Safety for Your Cat
- How Much and How Often to Feed Cats and Dogs
- How do I prevent my cat from running out when the door opens?
- How to Introduce a Cat to Your Dog at Home
- Introducing a Dog to a home with a Cat
- It Is Possible To Give Your Cat A Bath, And Come Away Scratch Free
- Keep Your Kitty Cool in Summer
- Kitten Korner
- Kitty Litter Boxes for Oldsters
- Leaving Your Cat Alone on Weekends
- Living With a Deaf Cat
- Living with a Lame Pet
- Pet Care Costs for Dogs and Cats
- Protecting Stray Cats in Winter
- Saying Goodby to Your Cat
- Should You Shave Your Pet for Summer?
- Should you let your Cat eat grass?
- Stress in House Cats
- Ten Tips for Nine Lives
- Tough Love for Puppy or Kitten
- Trimming Your Pet’s Nails
- Update on Feline Contraceptive FeralStat