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Social Networks for Pets
As social networks like Facebook and MySpace have changed the way people communicate, the pet world has developed its own social networks. A social network is a web-based service that allows individuals to construct a profile, connect to other users’ profiles and browse their connections and other user profiles within the system. Social networks allow […]
Animal Rights and Your Food
Modern agriculture’s factory farm system often involves cruelty to animals. The factory farms focus on maximum output with minimum input. As a result, animals are often confined to small spaces, fed drugs to fatten them up, transported in terrible conditions and genetically altered. Chickens raised for their flesh, or “broilers,” are kept in overcrowded sheds […]
Book Review: The Dog Who Danced
The Dog Who Danced by Susan Wilson It has been scientifically proven that dogs can sense our moods and read our body language very well. With their instinctive behavior, they know and want to fulfill our needs. This book is a story of a little dog named Mack who brings comfort to owner Justine who’s […]