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Pet Cremation Options
Where will you go when the time comes to say good-bye to your beloved pet? Most people will go to their trusted Pet Care Provider who will hopefully usher them through this crossroads of emotion and decision making with love, support and dignity. Surprisingly, this is not often the case. Recently when I picked up […]
Horse Limb Lacerations Care
Treating a seriously bleeding limb laceration will need your veterinarian’s care. But until the vet arrives, you may be able to do some triage. First try to stop the bleeding by applying pressure to the wound. Use a towel or a pressure bandage – a good item to keep in your horse’s emergency kit. Don’t […]
Hedgehogs Losing Quills
Hedgehogs normally lose their quills (spines) during shedding periods. This is referred to as quilling and usually occurs when hedgehogs are babies and juveniles and large amounts of quills are shed. The first quilling takes place at 2 months old. The baby hedgehog’s fine quills are dropped and the replacement quills are longer and thicker. […]