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Russian Don Cat
[[]]The Russian Don has many names and is also known as Donskoy Russian, Don Bald Cat, Don Hairless and Don Sphinx. A female kitten found in 1987 in Rostov-on-Don, Russia, became mother of 2 Russian hairless breeds, the Russian Don and the Peterbald. Unlike other hairless cats, the Donskoy is hairless due to a dominant […]
Laser Therapy for Pets
Laser therapy has proven effective in treating arthritis in dogs, cats, horses and other pets. It has given relief to an estimated 90% or more of geriatric and arthritis patients. Cold laser therapy uses light to stimulate cells and increase blood circulation. The Class IV lasers allow better penetration in a shorter amount of time. […]
Help Your Pet Stay Warm in Winter
It’s winter in parts of the world and Mother Nature has made this winter one of the worst. We may say that every winter – perhaps we just feel more uncomfortable as we get older. While some dogs and even some cats have heavy, thick coats, they do not have sufficient protection from harsh winds, […]