Everyone who has a pet knows well what happens when it doesn’t feel well. If your dog gets
sick, it loses appetite and willingness to play, and it’s basically not interested in anything
that’s going on around. All dog owners also know this terrible feeling of watching their pet
suffering and not being able to decode what’s wrong. Of course, a visit to the vet is always
the best option but sometimes it is better to take some action beforehand.
As dogs are extremely vivid and lively animals, one of the most common health problems
they have are digestive issues. Dogs tend to try eating not exactly what they should, ranging
from some food leftovers found in the kitchen, to pieces of leaves and sometimes stones on
the walk. It all may result in digestion disorders and serious problems. But apparently, there
are some ways in which you can help your pet in this unpleasant situation.
Below we present five best options.
1. Provide fresh water
We all know as humans that digestive problems often result from overeating and dehydration
at the same time. A similar thing can happen to dogs, so the first step to take for the relief of
your pet is to give it plenty of fresh water. You should minimize the amount of food for a day
or two, but still leave some light dog food in the bowl – a dog can get stressed by the very
fact of having nothing to eat, and the symptoms may get worse. Remember to change the
water regularly, even if it’s left over.
2. Track (and change) its diet
Very often, digestive difficulties are linked to the dog’s diet. It happens that the owners don’t
pay significant attention to what their pupil eats, just feeding it with dinner leftovers or other
products difficult to digest. If you plan your dog’s meals, keep in mind one rule: don’t give it
anything that you wouldn’t be able to eat! Of course, well-chosen and prepared dog food is
always a good option, especially if your pet has problems with digestion. Then, you should
limit their diet to specifically made dog products for some time. Once you discover a
particular product that causes health problems in your dog, exclude it immediately. If you’re
interested in choosing good quality dog food for your pupil, try reading Blue Buffalo review,
to begin with.
3. Give your pupil probiotics
Probiotics are not exactly medicine, but they help to restore the bacterial flora in the
digestive system, so they will be the right solution for treating mild indigestion in your dog.
Their formula is made of living gut-friendly bacteria that maintain the levels of healthy
bacteria in the body. If your dog has recently suffered from any diseases, the reason for
digestive problems can be connected with lowered immunity. Probiotics are a natural way to
boost the immune system, so it’s advisable to use them. They’re usually tasteless and can
be dissolved in water.
4. Try out natural food remedies
Certain foods, apart from being tasty and easy to digest, can help in treating the symptoms
of digestion problems. What’s more, you don’t have to worry about giving them to your dog.
It can be, for example, mashed banana or rice with mild, boiled chicken – it’s good to limit
the pupil’s diet to these products for a few days. Remember not to add any salt, sugar or
other condiments, as they may irritate the dog’s stomach.
5. Observe and consult the vet
Of course, natural home treatment is not always enough in case of indigestion. If you see
that your dog’s symptoms get severe, include vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and general apathy,
be ready to get a vet’s theshoalspharmacy.com consultation. Sometimes the cause of the disorder may be more
severe than just some bad food. A specialist will prescribe appropriate medicine and
introduce further treatment. In extreme cases, these symptoms may even indicate cancer or
poisoning. That’s why it’s vital to observe your pet regularly, note down their diet,
temperature, and any abnormal signs or reactions.
Digestive problems are one of the most common sicknesses in dogs, but it doesn’t mean
that they should be overlooked. If the problem doesn’t occur repeatedly, it should be enough
to try out some natural methods, like hydration, light food, as well as probiotics. The change
of the dog food brand is a frequent cause of digestion problems, so track its influence on
your pet’s health and take care of the pupil’s general well-being. However, if the symptoms
don’t get milder for a few days, visit a specialist and consider some further treatment.
Remember, the faster your reaction is, the less your pet friend is going to suffer!
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