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The Exotic Sand Cat
Sand Cats look like smaller versions of our domesticated pets. But don’t let size fool you, they are wild. Sand Cats can be found from the Sahara throughout the Middle East into Turkestan in sandy and stony deserts. Sand Cats are 10-12 inches tall, 29-36 inches long and weigh about 4-8 lbs. Their soft dense […]
Egyptian Mau
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: Egypt Coat Type: medium long, fine, silky Color: silver, bronze or smoke, all with spots & stripes even in skin pigment Temperament: intelligent, athletic, loyal, curious, does not get along with other cats or pets Where does the Egyptian Mau come from? Cats were worshiped and protected in ancient Egypt, […]
Pets in the Classroom Grant Program Helps Students with Special Needs
Pets in the Classroom, an educational grants program supporting responsible pet care in today’s youth, has provided funding to acquire 10 aquariums for the classrooms of Green Chimneys, a nationally renowned, non-profit organization that helps children with emotional, behavioral, social and learning challenges with the aid of animals. Sponsored by the Pet Care Trust, the […]