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Treating Burns in Pets
Burns to pets can be caused several ways – accidentally spilling hot or caustic liquids on pets, pets biting electric wires, even extreme cold. There are three degrees of burns: First degree, where the skin will be painful to touch, red, and may blister Second degree, where in addition to pain, the skin will turn […]
Why Your Bird Should’t Swear
Parrots and other birds that can be taught to talk usually have long lifespans. They sometimes outlive their humans and have to be re-homed. Teaching your bird foul language may seem like fun to listen to at first. But it can turn out to be very embarrassing as you may have some guests who will […]
Aye Aye
Besides having a strange name, the Aye Aye is one of the weirdest looking creatures in the world. Perhaps movie gremlins were modeled after them. The Aye Aye is a member of the Lemur family. It is a nocturnal primate, native to Madagascar. Its long, thin middle finger is used to tap on trees to […]