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Pet Cremation Options
Where will you go when the time comes to say good-bye to your beloved pet? Most people will go to their trusted Pet Care Provider who will hopefully usher them through this crossroads of emotion and decision making with love, support and dignity. Surprisingly, this is not often the case. Recently when I picked up […]
Care of Kitty’s Coat
A cat’s thick, dense coat, short or long, has as many as 130,000 hairs per square inch. And the cat’s coat is more than just a beautiful adornment. Cat’s fur offers protection from the elements, provides the cat with information about surroundings and helps in the manufacture of nutrients. If your cat’s coat is looking […]
Importance of Pre-and Probiotics
If you’ve had the chore of cleaning up after a pet with diarrhea or vomiting, you would be happy to try something to help your pet. Besides your discomfort, imagine what your pet is feeling – weakness, lethargy, pain, general malaise. Pre- and Probiotics may be the answer to these digestive upsets and keeping your […]