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Treating Burns in Pets
Burns to pets can be caused several ways – accidentally spilling hot or caustic liquids on pets, pets biting electric wires, even extreme cold. There are three degrees of burns: First degree, where the skin will be painful to touch, red, and may blister Second degree, where in addition to pain, the skin will turn […]
Why Are Tropical Birds So Colorful?
Tropical birds are so popular as pets because of their beautiful colorful plumage. Why do they have such colorful feathers? There are actually a few reasons. Colors help male birds attract females As they are unable to buy chocolate or jewelry, male birds attract the females with colors. Which in many ways turns the question […]
Glomerulonephritis in Pets
Glomerulonephritis is a kidney disease that while you may not have heard about it, is common in pets. It can be detected even in its early stages and is treatable. The glomerulus is the part of the kidney that filters waste, water and other chemicals from the blood which are then eliminated through urination. Filtering […]