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Starfish make attractive additions to any aquarium. They are really not fish, but called echinoderms and are often referred to as “sea stars.” Their unique shape of 5 arms form the star. The average size of a starfish is 5-8 inches from head to star point. Life span is 5-10 years. Colors can be pink, […]
How to Get Rid of Skunk Odor
I’ve never had the experience of being sprayed by a skunk. But I’ve been around others who have and trust me, it’s not an odor you forget. Skunk spray is made of sulfurous, oily chemicals in the anal glands of the skunk. Skunks can accurately spray up to 15 feet away but usually use this […]
Sicilian Hound
What is the origin of the Sicilian Hound? The Silician, also known as Cirneco dell’Etna, Hound is a member of the Greyhound family and has been known in Sicily for 100s of years. It is believed this Hound is descended from Egyptian hounds and was brought to Italy by the Phoenicians. It is associated with […]