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Controlling Dandruff in Pets
It’s natural for skin cells to shed and appear as flakes on the hair. But an excess of flakiness could mean several things. The most common causes of dandruff are allergies. Your pet could be allergic to food, grass, chemicals used on rugs, floors, lawn and more. Your pet should be evaluated by the veterinarian […]
House Soiling
A new puppy or kitten may have accidents before they are fully house-trained. Sometimes unspayed females will urinate in inappropriate places. Intact males often mark their territory and inside the home is no exception. Pets who have never lived indoors don’t know the rules until they are trained. A percentage of older spayed female dogs […]
Restraining Injured Pets
Animals in pain often lash out, bite and/or scratch, even those they love. Learning how to restrain an injured pet can help you to avoid injuries to yourself. Immediately call your veterinarian or animal rescue and alert them to the problem. To muzzle an injured dog, first put a leash on him/her. Then approach from […]