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Chinese New Year and Animals
Legend tells us that Buddha called all the animals to his side before he left the Earth. Only 12 animals responded and came to say goodby. Buddha rewarded these 12 by naming a year after each one in the order of their arrival. The Chinese belief is that the animal in the year of a […]
Indian Ocean
The Indian Ocean is the world’s third largest ocean, covering 20% of the earth’s water. The warmth of the Indian Ocean keeps phytoplankton production low in most of the ocean. As a result, there is not a tremendous amount of life in the Indian Ocean. Russia, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan all border this ocean […]
Dogs and Ancient Burials
As pet parents, we mourn the loss of our pets as we consider them part of the family. When a beloved dog dies, many of us choose to bury him/her in a special place, perhaps with some of the articles s/he loved. But we in modern times, are not the only ones to share these […]