Pets can have an effect on your health. On the positive side, caring for a pet has many health benefits, both psychologically and physically. However, there are also some health risks to owning a pet. This page contains resources which tell you about the health benefits of caring for a pet, how you can safeguard your health while taking care of a pet and what issues to watch out for.
Articles about pets and your health:
- ASPCA – Animals and Antibiotics
- A New Nose in Town
- Ailurophobia: Fear of Cats
- Animal Experiments, Cruel, Unecessary and Harmful to Human Health
- Antimicrobials in Our Food Supply
- Bartonellosis
- Can Having Pets Discourage Allergies
- Cats and Therapy
- Cleanup – Someone Has to Do It
- Controlling Your Allergies to Pets
- Diseases That Can Be Transmitted to Us by Pets
- Does Your Pet Sleep With You?
- Dogs Who May Bite
- Easy Safe Tick Removal for Pets and Humans
- Equine Therapy
- How Owning a Pet Can Improve Your Health
- How Pets Can Help Kids with ADHD
- How to overcome equinophobia (fear of horses)
- Israel Develops First Alzheimer’s Dog
- Laid-Back Dogs
- Lyme Disease in Pets
- Novovirus and Dogs
- Pets Bringing People Together
- Pets For Patriots
- Pets and Pregnancy
- Pets for Allergy Sufferers
- Pets for Cancer Patients
- Pets for Senior Citizens
- Rabies
- Rat Bite Fever
- Reptile Pets and Salmonella
- Second Careers for Racehorses
- Seniors Make Lasting Connections with Furry Friends
- Take Your Dog to Work Day
- The Doctor Fish
- Therapy Animals
- Therapy Cats
- Therapy Dog
- Zoonoses