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Dangers of Parrot Tethering
Predator birds such as falcons and hawks, used in the so-called sport of falconry, have restraints called jesses that are used until the bird is sent in to hunt. An Anklet is attached around the bird’s leg. A jesse is the long strip of leather that attaches through an eyelet in the anklet. The jesse […]
Quaker Parrot
While the Quaker Parrot (also known as the Monk Parrot) is a South American bird, there are large colonies in South Florida, the Midwest and the Northeast United States. Quaker Parrots bob their heads and shake, normal behavior for them and the reason for their name. Adult birds are about 12 inches long. Colors are […]
Percula Clownfish
The males grow to about 2.75 in., the females 4.3 in. Damsels may be territorial. Minimum size tank is 25 gal. Clownfish are salt water fish and this requires different equipment from fresh water fish. These fish are found in Australia, New Guinea and Melanesia east to the Solomon Islands. The Percula Clownfish is very […]