What to Look For in a Bird that’s Ill

Sick Bird

Birds hide their illnesses so well it’s often in the late stages that we discover they are sick. But there are signs that can help you find out if they are ill.

Check your bird’s droppings daily. Color and consistency changes can mean problems. Yellow, rust or black droppings can be caused by internal bleeding. Runny droppings can also be a sign of sickness. A veterinary visit is in order.

If your bird sits all puffed up for extended periods, it’s time to take him to the veterinarian.

If a bird’s cere (the part just above the beak that shows the nostrils) is red or runny and inflammation is present, it usually means a serious illness. Make sure your bird is covered and bring him to the vet ASAP.

Eyes that show a discharge or are cloudy could be an indication of a number of disorders. Your bird needs medical attention as soon as possible.

Loss of appetite or weight loss can be a sign of a blockage or other illness. Keep check on the amount of food your bird regularly consumes and check droppings.

If your bird breathes with his mouth open, this could be a sign of a respiratory problem.

Healthy birds clean themselves daily, preening feathers. Dirty feathers could mean that your bird is ill and unable to or has no interest in keeping clean. Check droppings and food intake and notify your veterinarian.

Any change in your bird’s vocalization should be checked. If it continues for more than a day, contact your veterinarian.

Learning your bird’s body language gives you a good insight into how s/he is feeling. Early diagnosis of an illness and quick treatment can save your bird’s life. When in doubt, don’t hesitate, speak to your veterinarian.

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