Have you thought about what will happen to your pets when you die?
Our pets are very important members of our family, but many of us neglect to make provisions for them before we are incapacitated or die. We would like to help you by offering some suggestions.
You may ask friends or members of your family if they would be willing to give your pets a home, offering to leave money for their care.
You can include your pets in your will with instructions as to what to do, again leaving money for food, veterinary care and any other expenses that might be incurred.
You may wish to set up a trust fund earmarked for the care of your pets.
Members of the ASPCA are offered lifetime veterinary care. The ASPCA will temporarily house your pets until they find suitable homes.
Check with The Humane Society and shelters in your area to see if they have programs to care for your pets in the event of your demise.
Some veterinary schools offer shelter and veterinary care for the life of your pets. Check if a donation is required and the amount expected.
There are groups who will take on the care of your pets such as wildcatranch. But you should make inquiries as some places can be pricey.
Whatever you decide, it is very important to leave explicit instructions on the care of your pets. Include type of food and amounts fed, any medications your pet needs, instructions on exercise, the name of your veterinarian and telephone number, etc. It might be a good idea to let your vet know of your plans in advance.
We hope we have given you some ideas to think about. It’s always best to make preparations early so that your pets will be safe and secure.