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Detection of Selenium Toxicity in Horses
Selenium is a trace mineral that is necessary for the way a horse functions. It acts in conjunction with Vitamin E as anti-oxidants, protecting cell membranes from destruction. However, too much or too little selenium can have adverse effects. A deficiency of selenium can cause muscle disease, impaired heart function, difficulty swallowing, respiratory distress and […]
Therapy Dog
Therapy dogs work in nursing homes, hospitals, schools, wherever there is a need. Their job is to bring comfort and affection to people. They bring incredible benefits to people who are ill, have learning disabilities or find themselves in extreme stress. Adults and children who don’t do well with other treatment will often respond to […]
Coyotes – A Danger to Pets
Coyotes and dogs are very closely related, having the same common ancestor. But as the saying goes, “you can choose your friends, but not your relatives.” Coyotes natural territory was once the Southwest United States, but with constant development in these regions, they have spread throughout the country. Destruction of their natural habitat has caused […]