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Why Dog Urine Kills Grass
You’ve put a lot of time and effort into making your lawn picture perfect. Along comes your dog (or the neighbor’s pup) and urinates on the grass, leaving a good-size yellow or brown spot. That hurts. Female dogs contribute more to the problem as they squat in one place. Males lift their leg and tend […]
Scratching Post
Cats love to scratch and it’s natural for them to do so. The scent glands in their paws mark the cat’s territory. And all the stretching they do when scratching helps tone muscles. They don’t understand that the sofa or your favorite chair are not for scratching. A scratching post is a post specially designed […]
Exotic Pets in History
Many famous people were pet-lovers. Most of the United States presidents kept pets (see U.S. Presidents and their Pets)) and Winston Churchill had a series of pets. Some famous historical figures have had unusual pets as companions: Ramses II (14th century BC) owned a pet lion. The lion went to battle with him and is […]