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FDA -Recall of Some IV Chemo Drugs
Hospira Announces A Nationwide Recall of Certain Lots of Injectable Carboplatin, Cytarabine, Paclitaxel and Methotrexate Due to Glass Vial Defect FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -July 13, 2012 – Hospira, Inc. (NYSE: HSP), the world’s leading provider of injectable drugs and infusion technologies, issued this press release today to further inform the general public about a previously […]
Rabbit Housing, Indoors and Outdoors
Even if your rabbit is allowed the freedom of the house a cage is necessary as a nesting and comfort area. If your rabbit spends a great deal of time in the cage it should be as large as you can afford. A solid floor is best as wire floors can cause discomfort and injury […]
Why Dogs Lean on Their Humans
Some dogs like to lean on people. Usually larger dogs will sit close and lean into you with much of their weight. A major reason some dogs lean is that they just want to get as close as possible to the person(s) they love. Dogs once lived in packs making them naturally social animals. Some […]