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Should You Shave Your Pet for Summer?
In the northern hemisphere of our world, it won’t be long before the lazy, hazy days of summer are upon us. We shed our heavy winter coats and clothes and wonder about our pets shedding their winter coats. Of course for our pets, shedding might mean shaving them. Shaving them is something to take seriously […]
Have a Pet Insurance That You Can Rely On
Now pet insurance is one of the most important and crucial investments that you can make for both yourself and your pet. No matter what type of a pet you have, a pet insurance policy is one that will save your expenses and ensure that your pet’s heath is not compromised on. Here are some […]
Blue Damselfish
Males 3.5 in., females 2.5 in. Sometimes threatened by other damselfish & wrasses. Minimum tank size 13 gal. Found from Eastern Indian Ocean throughout the tropical Pacific. Damsels are quite aggressive, even to somewhat larger fish. They can be bred in captivity, and reports of success are not uncommon. Damsels may also be seen as […]