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Do Cats Need Baths
Cats generally don’t have to be bathed, but there are times when it is necessary. Cats can come home after spending some time outdoors, covered in dirt, mud or even grease. They may have fleas and ticks or have been sprayed by a skunk. Brushing and combing will usually work to get rid of the […]
Cats and Brain Freeze
The Internet has been inundated with videos of cats being given cold treats that will give them what is known as brain freeze. Sorry for all of you who take offense at what I’m about to say, but I view this as animal abuse. A cat’s nervous system is very similar to a human’s. Therefore […]
Should You Shave Your Pet for Summer?
In the northern hemisphere of our world, it won’t be long before the lazy, hazy days of summer are upon us. We shed our heavy winter coats and clothes and wonder about our pets shedding their winter coats. Of course for our pets, shedding might mean shaving them. Shaving them is something to take seriously […]