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Cheryl and Angel Bullet
I have had a few signs from Bullet. The first one was Jersey was sleeping in the bed near the computer and she suddenly jumped up and looked behind her and left the bed. She has never done that before so I know it was because Bullet was there. This was soon after I lost […]
American Curl
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: United States Coat Type: silky, long & short haired Color: all cat colors & patterns Temperament: affectionate, people-oriented, get along with other pets Where does the American Curl come from? The first American Curl was originally found in Lakewood, California. In 1981, two longhair kittens were found by the Ruga […]
Slits on a Dog’s Nose
A dog’s nose has incredible powers. Every part of the nose functions to give a dog an amazing sense of smell, even those slits. A dog’s sense of smell is anywhere from 10,000 to 100,000 times better than ours. They can differentiate between 30,000 to 100,000 scents individually. Former director of the Florida State University […]