Saying Goodby to Your Cat

One of the most difficult times in life we face is saying goodby to our beloved pets. And how do we judge when it’s time to let them go to the Rainbow Bridge.

This is not a decision to be taken lightly. There are many instances when a health setback is a temporary condition that can be treated or resolves on its own. Discuss alternatives with your veterinarian. Get a second opinion if you are not satisfied.

Cats are particularly good at hiding pain and discomfort. Being both prey and predator, it’s a defense mechanism. If you are wondering about whether your sick or elderly cat should be euthanized to end suffering or you want to prepare yourself for that time, there are a number of questions to be answered.

Assessing the cat’s quality of life can help you. Dr. Alice Villalobos, creator of Pawspice, developed the HHHHHMM Quality of Life Scale that uses a 1-10 evaluation on each question.

The Cat Hospital of Chicago has yes or no answers to questions that are similar to those on the Pawspice scale. It is based on pain, appetite, Hydration, Hygiene, Activity/Mobility, Happiness/Mental Status, General Behavior Patterns and Owner Perception.

You can check both of these online if you have any questions. If your cat’s quality of life cannot be improved by further care and/or treatment, it may be time to say goodby. Where possible, home euthanasia is advised.

Keep in mind, as we say on Bone Cancer Dogs, there are no wrong decisions, better a day too early than a day too late. We all consider our pets part of our family and any decision made comes from a place of deep love.

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