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Tips on How to Introduce New Foods to Pet Birds
A varied diet is important for pet birds, but sometimes birds can act a lot like stubborn kids when it comes to trying new foods. As with children, it’s best to start introducing a variety of foods when the bird is young. Morning is the natural foraging time for birds, and can be the best […]
Care and Feeding of Outdoor Birds
There is such a wide variety of birds that you may want to consider what type you want to attract. When considering building or purchasing bird houses, you have to remember that there are predators like cats and snakes who are able to climb trees. You might want to attach your bird house to a […]
Should Your Bird Live Cage-Free
Many people feel that because birds in the wild fly free, they should not be caged at home. While in theory it sounds great, it is really not practical or safe for your bird. Of course our pet birds do have cage-free time when we are able to supervise them. But left alone to their […]