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The ancient Percheron Horse gets its name from the province in France of La Perche, southwest of Paris. The people of La Perche have always bred these horses and they are an intricate part of their lives. Although the poodle didn’t originate in France, it was standardized as a distinct breed there. During the reign […]
Thailand spans widely varying geological and climactic zones, in which over 10 percent of the world’s animals live. It is home to more than 285 mammal species and 925 species of birds. Some of the animals native to Thailand are the White-Handed Gibbon, Dusky langur (also known as the leaf monkey) and the Mudskipper (a […]
Germany has a long tradition for breeding dogs. The German Shepherd is the most famous dog bred in Germany although it is a latecomer, originating in 1899. Germany is also home to hedgehogs, groundhogs and squirrels, although these animals are not suitable as pets. In 1933, the Third Reich passed extensive laws for animal protection. […]