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HSUS Update on Wolves
February 2013 “The Hidden Lives of Wolves,” a book by Jim and Jamie Dutcher, was released in February. As filmmakers and photographers, the Dutchers present incredible images of these remarkable creatures, the close relatives of our dogs. The U.S. government has delisted wolves giving trophy hunters and trappers the right to trap and kill hundreds […]
HSUS – Culture No Defense for Cruelty
Wayne Pacelle, President and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), speaks out against using long-time abusive practices against animals. The excuse for using these practices is that it is an expression of that peoples’ culture. Examples of these cultural excuses are the killing of bulls for entertainment in Spain, cockfighting, falsified […]
NY Bill to Prohibit of Devocalization of Cats and Dogs
New York State has filed Assembly Bill 3431 and Senate Bill S6167 to prohibit devocalization of dogs and cats. There is opposition to these bills from lobbies that profit from devocalization. They are trying to kill the bills through loopholes. One amendment would allow some people to have their dogs and cats devocalized. Devocalization is […]