Pet Sit for the Military

Millions of pet owners serve in the military. When they are called up and deployed far from home, one of their major concerns is finding someone to care for their pets.

Many military families have friends or family members willing to temporarily care for their pets. But some are not so fortunate and have no choice but to turn their pets over to animal shelters. For most owners, giving a pet to a shelter is as devastating as losing a family member as most people are not reunited with their pet.

Today there are a number of programs available that connect foster homes wit.h pets of deployed military. Both sides win in this situation. The pets spend the deployment time in a loving home, well cared for. The military personnel’s mind is at ease knowing that the pet is safe and loved while they are away.

Foster pet parents have the opportunity to give and receive love from a new furpal. In addition, foster pet people are giving back to those who serve and protect the U.S.

DoD (Dogs on Deployment) provides fosters for dogs and cats. PACT for Animals (People + Animals = Companions Together) have found homes for 1/3 of the 200 applicants this year. PACT will also find fosters for pets of people in emergency situations (ie: hospitalization).
Guardian Angels for Soldiers’ Pets offers foster programs for active military, wounded soldiers, veterans, fallen soldiers, homeless veterans.
Noble Foster depends on volunteers to help transport pets.
In most instances the owner is responsible for transportation to and from fosters.

There are special requirements for those people who wish to volunteer to foster pets as well as for the military people who are looking for fosters.

Included in a written agreement are such items as who will take the pet if the foster is no longer able to care for it or if the owner cannot reclaim the pet; who is responsible for any damage caused by the pet; how long will foster care be necessary.

If you have the time and room to devote to fostering a military animal, check online for military fosters where you live.Volunteers are always welcome. If you are unable to foster, you can donate to a foster organization. And you will be serving those who serve us so well.

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