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Baby Seal Slaughter in Canada
On Hay Island, Nova Scotia, February 22, 2011, the Canadian baby seal hunt began. The baby seal hunt is one of the most horrible and inhumane acts perpetrated by man. While it is illegal in Canada to hunt newborn harp seals and hooded seals, they are allowed to be slaughtered when they reach the age […]
Classroom Dissection
Every year, millions of animals are dissected in elementary, secondary, and college science classes. This constitutes not only animal lives lost but abuse and environmental havoc. Animals earmarked for dissection are gassed and injected with formaldehyde. Sometimes they are still alive while being injected. Formaldehyde and other carcinogenic materials are used to preserve the dead […]
HSUS-Protect Maryland’s Dogs
August 2012 Maryland’s Court of Appeals ruled that “pit bull” dogs are “inherently dangerous.” This makes the state of Maryland’s policy toward dogs the most unfriendly in the United States. In essence, the ruling states that if a pet bull dog injures someone, not only is the dog owner liable, but so is the owner […]