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HSUS – Protect Wolves and Elephants
July 6, 2015 The U.S. House of Representatives is voting on July 7 on a bill that will block the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from cracking down on the domestic illegal ivory trade and will remove wolves from the endangered species list. This spending bill could mean the extinction of elephants and possibly wolves […]
News of Maryland Abuse Trial
May of 2009 in Baltimore, Maryland, twins Travers and Tremayne Johnson, now 19, doused a pit bull with gasoline and set her on fire. She was rescued and treated by the rescue workers, but was so severely injured that she had to be humanely euthanized a few days later. The resulting conclusion of the trial […]
Pets in the Classroom Program Awarded $10,000 Grant by William H. Donner Foundation
The Pet Care Trust was selected by the William H. Donner Foundation to receive a grant of $10,000 for its Pets in the Classroom Program. The William H. Donner Foundation makes grants to qualified non-profit organizations for the purpose of advancing thoughtful, creative projects. The $10,000 grant from the William H. Donner Foundation will help […]