National Pet Holidays in October, November, December


National Animal Safety and Protection Month

Adopt a Dog Month – sponsored by the American Humane Association

Adopt a Shelter Dog Month – sponsored by the ASPCA

National Pet Wellness Month – encouraging owners to be aware of their pet’s health and make an appointment with the vet.

Fire Pup Day – Fire pups are fireman’s mascots. They have a special job, traveling to schools and teaching children fire safety.

October 1st – 7th – National Walk Your Dog Week – the exercise is important for your dog and good for you too!

October 4th – World Animal Day

October 6th – 12th – Animal Welfare Week

October 14th – National Pet Obesity Awareness Day

October 9th – 15th – National Vet Technician Week

October 16th – National Feral Cat Day

Late October – National Pit Bull Awareness Day

October 29th – National Cat Day


Adopt a Senior Pet Month

Pet Cancer Awareness Month

Pet Diabetes Month

National Senior Pet Month

November 6th – 12th – National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week

November 17th – National Black Cat Day

Last day of the month – Fur-Free Day – Fake fur is in – today’s products look real for those who wish to wear fur.

November 28th – December 4th – Puppy Mill Action Week


December 2nd –National Mutt Day – Honor your mixed breed, today and every day.

December 15th – Cat Herders Day

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