National Holistic Pet Day is Right around the Corner

I was doing some of the usual pet community surfing when I came across some information that August 30th is National Holistic Pet Day. How did this new holiday slip by me? It sounds like a pretty cool idea. I’m always up for natural ways to improve my pet’s health. This is even more exciting than Talk Like a Pirate Day!

I was wondering what was involved with National Holistic Pet Day, so I decided to do some further research. Yahoo News had a good write up on it. Colleen Paige of the Animal Miracle Foundation started the holiday because, “Pet owners really need to start looking at their pet’s diet, lifestyle and environment. I want to ensure that I have done my best to bring about public awareness of the need for a healthy lifestyle with our pets.”

Halo Pets also has a top ten list of ways to celebrate holistic pet day. They list choosing natural pet food, giving your pet natural supplements, and making sure your dog or cat gets plenty of exercise. I can’t argue with any of those methods. I often hear about pets suffering from health issues all because their caregivers unknowingly feed their pets the wrong types of food. is also spreading the word about this upcoming holiday. They focus on how important you are as your pet’s caretaker towards its overall health. They talk about making your pet healthier by strengthening their diet, body and mind. I think their point in exercising your pet’s mind is often overlooked. Mental stimulation and exercise can help keep your dog or cat happier, smarter and generally more balanced.

If you get the chance check out some of the links I shared and see if this holiday something that may interest you!

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