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L-Carnitine for Dieting Cats
L-Carnitine is a nutrient that carries fatty acids to cells and is very important in helping cells produce energy. It is mainly produced in the liver and kidneys. The highest concentration of L-Carnitine is found in meat and chicken – the redder the meat, the higher the amount. Cats deficient in L-Carnitine can develop heart […]
Disrupted Routines Affect Cat Health
Science Daily reports that a recent study shows that even healthy cats exhibit symptoms of illness when their routine is changed. The study drastically changed the routines of both healthy cats and cats with feline interstitial cystitis, a chronic illness, and found that all the cats exhibited the same symptoms of sickness behaviors, and just […]
FDA Warning – Vet Jet Device
The FDA warns that there is a possible risk of fractures to cats with the use of the Vet Jet transdermal vaccination system device. The device, made by Bioject Inc., is sold exclusively as the delivery system for the Merial product, Purevax, a feline leukemia vaccine. The vaccination is delivered throught the skin. Three adverse […]