The majority of lipomas are benign fatty tumors. They usually occur in older or overweight pets. They are mainly located in the subcutaneous tissue (beneath the skin) and are painless. They move slightly under your touch.
Unless the lipoma is in a part of the pet’s body making him/her uncomfortable or restricting movement, most veterinarians recommend watching for any changes such as rapid growth or pain. Veterinarians feel that risks during surgery do not warrant removal. Some vets recommend that if a pet is having a procedure that requires anesthesia, if possible, the lipoma can be removed at the same time.
Some researchers believe that a diet high in carbohydrates cause these fatty tumors.
Holistic vets feel that while lipomas may not be cancerous, they indicate an imbalance in some part of the body that can develop into something more serious as the pet grows older.
Any lump on your pet’s body should be seen by your veterinarian. The vet will go over the pet’s history as well as perform a complete exam including any diagnostic tests believed necessary.
Dr. Demian Dressler, the dog cancer vet, advises that any lumps should be tested with either a fine needle aspirate or a biopsy to make sure it is not a malignant growth.