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Sugar Gliders and Broken Legs
Sugar Gliders, like many small creatures, are fragile. Their bones are small and rather thin and as they are active animals, it’s possible to fracture a leg. There are several different types of fractures, but those that occur most often are a simple fracture and a compound fracture. A simple fracture of the bone is […]
Treatment of Animals in Entertainment
The world’s first domestic animal anti-cruelty law may have been part of the legal code of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1641. Britain enacted an animal anti-cruelty law in 1822. In 1824, England established the Society for The Protection of Animals, the first of its kind. The ASPCA was founded in 1866 by Henry Bergh, […]
Bichon Frise
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: Italy Group: Companion Height: 9-12 in. Weight: 9-16 lbs. Life span: 12-15 yrs. Trainability: High, but housetraining problematic Good with children: yes Good with other pets: yes February’s Dog of the Month A lively, huge personality comes in this little package. The Bichon Frise dates back to the fifteenth century. […]