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Celebrate Penguin Awareness Day
Penguin Awareness Day is January 20th, and we thought you would like to know a bit about these friendly animals. There are 17 species of penguin and they fit into 3 categories – brush-tail, crested and king/Emperor. Penguins live in the southern hemisphere and some live near the equator. Large populations of penguins can be […]
Feeding Cats a Vegan Diet
Vegan diets for humans are becoming more and more popular throughout the world. But how healthy is a vegan diet for cats? People who make a choice to be vegan can regulate their diets to include all the necessary nutrients. Our pet cats don’t have that choice. And cats, as obligate carnivores need meat and […]
Pet Care Trust Sees Big Boost in Pets in the Classroom Grant Program Applicants
The Pet Care Trust is pleased to announce that its Pets in the Classroom program received 3,500 requests for grants in the program’s first fifteen months. The program, established by the Pet Care Trust in 2009, provides grants of $100-$150 to purchase or adopt a new pet and required equipment or $50 to support existing […]