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HSUS-Factory Farming and Contagious Diseases
Dr. Michael Greger, director of public health and animal agriculture at the HSUS has authored a book, “Bird Flu: A Virus of Our Own Hatching.” Dr. Greger’s interest in animal diseases affecting humans began with AIDS research. It is believed that the HIV virus began with the bushmeat trade in Africa with the slaughter of […]
HSUS News on Horse Slaughter
The HSUS reports that some member of the U.S. Congress have removed the protective language to a provision banning horse slaughter on U.S. soil. There is a political campaign to bring horse slaughter back to the U.S. after a 5 year ban. Just a reminder that while it was banned in the U.S., American horses […]
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) calls itself the largest animal rights organization in the world, with more than 3 million members and supporters. PETA focuses on preventing animal cruelty in factory farms, the clothing trade, in labs (animal testing), and in the entertainment industry. The organization also focuses on preventing the killing […]