Importance of Urinalysis

Waste products are removed from the body through urination. The kidneys are the filters and pass waste through the ureter into the bladder. Urine is stored in the bladder until the body excretes it through the urethra.

It’s important to note the color of the urine.

Clear to light yellow is considered normal. If your pet’s urine has no yellow in it for a period of time, it’s an indication that your pet is drinking too much water. An appointment with the veterinarian is indicated to find out the reasons for excessive water intake as soon as possible.

Bright or dark yellow urine shows dehydration or another medical problem. Contact your vet immediately.

Brown, orange or reddish-pink urine is an indication of infection, tumor or another medical condition. Take your pet quickly to the vet for an examination.

Your vet will use a strip of chemically treated plastic called a dipstick that evaluates the urine sample for acidity, urine concentration, protein, sugar, ketones (may be a sign of diabetes), bilirubin (sign of liver or autoimmune disease), blood.

Urine sediment will also be evaluated under a microscope for the presence of white blood cells, red blood cells, bacteria, crystals and more.

When you take your pet for his/her annual or bi-annual checkup, a urinalysis should be part of the routine examination.

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