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Cat Shows
Cat shows, while not as well-known as dog shows, are still pretty popular. The first modern cat show took place in London in 1871. The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) has been running cat shows in the U.S. since 1906. Cat shows work in a similar fashion to dog shows. Each breed of cats has its […]
Taming Feral Kittens/Cats
A feral cat is one that has had little or no human contact. Feral cats face all the hazards that accompany living wild outdoors. There were originally abandoned by their families and became what we call strays, to fend for themselves and have learned to mistrust humans. The resulting kittens born into this environment are […]
Saving Your Cat in Case of Fire
Being prepared, having all the necessary tools and information is key to successfully saving your cat(s) in a disaster. Always have easy access to the cat carrier. If possible leave it where your cat has easy entry to it. In order to encourage your cat to go into the carrier, place a favorite treat, toy […]