There’s more expense to horse ownership than the initial purchase price of the animal. If you want to buy a horse, first research the cost of upkeep which includes many years of care.
You’ll need a place to house your horse. If you have a large piece of land, some believe at least 2 acres, this may not be a major expense. You may already have a barn or can build one to shelter your horse. But most people depend on outside sources to stable their horse. This can amount to anywhere from about $200-$800 and up a month and sometimes includes other services such as veterinary care, food, bedding.
Then there is food – horses can eat about 1-2 bales of hay and about several scoops of grain daily depending on their size and how much grazing in pastures they have. The combined cost could be about $200 monthly.
Veterinary fees can be difficult to calculate. If your horse is healthy, s/he still needs immunizations, boosters, deworming and yearly checkups. The estimate is about $500 yearly depending on where you live. Teeth need to be checked every 6 months at a cost of $35 and up each time. If your horse becomes ill, veterinary fees can mount up depending on the ailment.
Your horse’s feet will have to be trimmed a minimum of 6 times a year. Horses that are shod (wear shoes) need to be checked every other month. A farrier usually charges about $25-$30 a visit plus the cost of shoeing. See more: Caring for Horses Hooves
You’ll need riding, exercise and training equipment for your horse. And you need to be prepared for unforeseen expenses and emergencies that cost thousands of dollars.
These estimates are just that – estimates. Costs can vary widely depending on where you live.
You want to give your horse the best possible care. You can see how important it is to research the cost of horse ownership to see if you are prepared to make this commitment.
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