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Why Cats Climb Trees
Why do cats climb trees? Well, they do so for several reasons. It’s easier to see what’s going on in the neighborhood sitting high in a tree. Cats will climb trees to escape from predators like the neighbor’s dog. Being predators themselves, they also have a better view of any prey nearby. Sometimes that prey […]
Pet Arthritis Discussed on Animal Wise Radio with FlexPet creator
The most recent episode of Animal Wise radio includes an interview with Tamer Elsafy, the CEO of Flexcin International. What was a great pain relief supplement for his grandmother turned out to be a great supplement for people’s pets. Find out more about the development of Flexpet and how it can help your aching or […]
Fibrocartilagenous Embolism
Fibrocartilagenous Embolish (FCE) or Spinal Cord Stroke occurs very suddenly. Small particles of the spinal disk (fibrocartilage) between the bones of the spine (vertebrae) block the blood vessels in the spine. FCE usually affects young or middle-aged dogs, medium to large breeds, but can occur in any dog. It rarely happens in cats or horses. […]