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Write Detailed Instructions for the Dog Sitter
Dog sitting has become a common feature in so many households. When you decide to hire a dog sitter, the more information you give them about your dog’s routine the better for your dog it will be. If you have more than one dog, then it is important for you to have a good idea […]
Rabbit Hutches
Do you want a rabbit hutch or a cage? Cages are made of bars on all sides. This provides excellent ventilation and waste managing properties, but rabbits are docile, shy creature and they like being able to hide away, as attested by their predilection for burrowing. Hutches are often made of wire mesh on only […]
Rabbit Housing, Indoors and Outdoors
Even if your rabbit is allowed the freedom of the house a cage is necessary as a nesting and comfort area. If your rabbit spends a great deal of time in the cage it should be as large as you can afford. A solid floor is best as wire floors can cause discomfort and injury […]