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Vermiculated Angelfish
Males are 7 in, females slightly smaller. This is a shy fish and Dwarf Angelfish, Wrasses, Tangs or larger fish may be aggressive. Minimum size tank is 106 gal. Found in the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific. List of Fish Andaman Damselfish Arabian (Orange) Dottyback Asful (Arabian) Angelfish Australian Anemonefish Bandit Angelfish Banggai Cardinalfish Blackcap […]
ASPCA – Stop Horse Slaughter
The ASPCA along with other animal welfare organizations reminds us of the need to keep Congress and the White House aware that 80% of Americans oppose horse slaughter. It is urgent that you ask your Congressmen to pass the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act. This legislation would achieve two things: it would prohibit the export […]
Hedgehog Teeth
Hedgehogs have about 44 wee teeth, incisors, premolars, molars and canines, just like humans. Their teeth surface at 3 weeks old. Hedgehogs’ teeth need the same care as that of other pets. It may be difficult to brush your hedgehog’s teeth, but they should at least be checked by an exotic pet veterinarian. Your vet […]