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Will Your Dog Accept Muzzling
Muzzling a dog is an unnatural condition to them. Some dogs will put up quite a battle when the muzzle comes into view. But there are times when a muzzle is a very necessary tool. Dogs in pain, whether your own dog or an unknown injured one you’ve stopped to help, will lash out at […]
Domestic Animals Living in the Wild
Domestication of animals is a process that began in prehistoric times. Domesticated animals have been cared for by humans for so long that their habits have been modified to fit life in captivity. But what happens to animals who are abandoned or lost and end up in the wild? Can domestic animals survive without the […]
Dwarf Angelfish
Dwarf Angelfish are native to the coral reefs of the world, where they feed on algae and small plants and animals. Most Dwarf Angelfish live in pairs, although some species are solitary. These fish are classified as hermaphroditic because they are born as females and the dominant fish change sex to become males. Males are […]