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Naragansett Pacer
The Naragansett Pacer was the first horse breed bred in the United States, but unfortunately it is now extinct. Sales to the Caribbean and cross-breeding diminished the breed to the point of extinction, and the last known Pacer died around 1880. Historical records show that many famous personages owned Pacers, George Washington among them. The […]
Hanoverians are a horse breed originating in Northern Germany in the former kingdom of Hanover now known as Lower Saxony. They were bred 200 years ago as carriage and military horses. After World War II, breeders concentrated on developing a versatile horse with athletic abilities, conformation as well as desirable traits of good dispositions and […]
Lusitano Horse
The Lusitano is the national horse of Portugal. It is named for Lusitania, a name given to the Iberian peninsula by the Romans. What does the Lusitano look like? The Lusitano is a compact horse with a thick mane and tail. It stands 15-16 hands tall. Colors are solid colors of horse, rarely seen are […]