Hi everyone, I wanted to share some more information about the FlexPet4Shelters program. Through Flexcin International’s FlexPet Shelter Program, we hope to see abandoned pets get a second chance. We are very confident with FlexPet but understand you may want to try it at your shelter before making an investment or starting to sell it. That’s why we have a trial offer designed to show you rather than tell you how well FlexPet really works. Simply fill out the form on our website to receive the trial pack. This offer is open to pet shelters only. Once we qualify you as a candidate, someone from our office will contact you and your trial pack will be sent out. No obligation or cost to you. All we ask is that you give a full bottle to 3 different pets who are experiencing joint pain from aging, arthritis or dysplasia. If you are considering trying FlexPet on a pet with a severe case of joint pain, especially hip dysplasia, you may need to give that pet 2 of the bottles before seeing significant results. We hope to hear from you!
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