The French Angelfish is both a popular aquarium fish and a popular food in places such as Singapore and Thailand.It is found in the western Atlantic from Florida to Brazil and in the Caribbean. It is a pretty hardy fish.
Males are 16 in., and females are smaller. Youngsters clean other fish and are usually not singled out for aggression. This fish is best kept in a pair. Minimum size tank is 160 gal. Provide plenty of live rock and hiding spots. Do not keep this fish in a reef aquarium since it will nip at soft corals, stony corals and clam mantles. The French Angelfish is an omnivore and will usually accept live, fresh, frozen and formula food. It should be fed several times a day.
- Andaman Damselfish
- Arabian (Orange) Dottyback
- Asful (Arabian) Angelfish
- Australian Anemonefish
- Bandit Angelfish
- Banggai Cardinalfish
- Blackcap Gramma
- Blackedged Swallowtail
- Blue-green Chromis
- Blue Damselfish
- Blue Reef Chromis
- Blueface Angelfish
- Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse
- Burgess Butterflyfish
- Candyline Basslet
- Carpenter’s Flasher Wrasse
- Catfish
- Cherub (Pygmy) Angelfish
- Clarke’s Anemonefish
- Common Clownfish
- Cream Angelfish
- Domino Damselfish
- Dwarf Angelfish
- Eightline Wrasse
- Emperor Angelfish
- Fijian Blue and Gold Damselfish
- Fireball Dwarf Angelfish
- Flagfin (Threespot) Angelfish
- Flame Dottyback
- Golden Angelfish
- Golden Forktail
- Goldfish
- Goldflake Angelfish
- Hawaiian Spotted Pufferfish
- Humbug Aruanus
- Iridis Wrasse
- Kole (yellow-eyed) Tang
- Lamarck Angelfish
- Lemonpeel Dwarf Angelfish
- Leopard Wrasse
- Majestic Angelfish
- Maldive Anemonefish
- Maldive Velvet Fairy Wrasse
- Maroon Anemonefish
- Milletseed Butterflyfish
- Orange Skunk Anemonefish
- Ornate Swallowtail Angelfish
- Pacific Fire Anemonefish
- Pacific Pearlscale Butterflyfish
- Pajama (sixline) Wrasse
- Pajama Cardinalfish
- Passer (King) Angelfish
- Percula Clownfish
- Pink Skunk Anemonefish
- Potter’s Dwarf Angelfish
- Queen Angelfish
- Queensland Angelfish
- Queensland Dottyback
- Red Blotched Perchlet
- Red Candystripe Hogfish
- Red Sea Anemonefish
- Red Stripe Dwarf Angelfish
- Regal Angelfish
- Rock Beauty
- Royal Gramma
- Scribbled Angelfish
- Semicircle Angelfish
- Sharpnosed Possum Wrasse
- Skunk Tilefish
- Spotband Butterflyfish
- Spotted Coral Croucher
- Sunburst Butterflyfish
- Swissguard Basslet
- Tomato Anemonefish
- Tomini Bristletooth Tang
- Valentini Pufferfish
- Vermiculated Angelfish
- Yellow-tailed Blue Damselfish
- Yellow Swallowtail Angelfish