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Dangers of Parrot Tethering
Predator birds such as falcons and hawks, used in the so-called sport of falconry, have restraints called jesses that are used until the bird is sent in to hunt. An Anklet is attached around the bird’s leg. A jesse is the long strip of leather that attaches through an eyelet in the anklet. The jesse […]
Book Review: Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs
RAW AND NATURAL NUTRITION FOR DOGS by Lew Olson, PhD. Finally, a book about nutrition for dogs that explains in clear language, a dog’s needs. The recipes provided are easy to adapt to a dog’s weight, body type, age and any conditions he may have. While many books tell us how terrible it is to […]
Ear Care for Dogs
Check your dog’s ears once a week, more fequently for dogs with long or folded ears. There are cleansing pads to clean ear flaps, solutions for cleaning the ear canal, ear powder to keep ears dry, mitacides, even a otoscope to check ears. To clean your dogs ears, put a small amount of cleaning solution […]